As content writers and bloggers we’re consistently watching out for new and intriguing content thoughts that we hope will excite our readers and outshine our competition. But too often, we fail to remember that we’re already sitting on a goldmine of old content that can possibly sparkle again by just giving a tiny bit of attention.

If you are a business owner with a website and you’ve been writing for a blog for some time, odds are some of your old content has lost its significance.

In fact, it’s possible that your entire blog could be obsolete, However, you don’t have to be worried because there are a few basic ways that you can ensure your content remains fresh and significant as far as might be feasible.

Since changes can be somewhat frightening to some, here are five justifications for why optimizing your previous blogs in your business website is an unquestionable necessity.

But first, let’s talk about why it’s so important to always be updating your blog content.


1. To Generate More Leads

The more leads you have, the more deals you will make. This is what Top Shelf SEO is all about. 

The more individuals who come to your blog or site and read your content, the higher opportunity they have of purchasing something from you or dealing with your business. 

In the event that they like what they read on your site, odds are high that they’ll want to purchase something from you also!

Furthermore, on the off chance that individuals like what’s written in their articles and, proceed to buy products from their #1 brands (which is something extraordinary!), then every one of these paves the way to progress for the two parties included: YOU!

2. Ensuring Content is Updated and Still Relevant

Almost certainly, throughout recent years, the layout of your blog posts could have changed. Perhaps you’ve remembered different design angles in current blogs that you now need to integrate into older ones, for example, the utilization of different colors, typefaces, highlight pictures, and so on. While this may not straightforwardly get new conversions, optimizing your posts is an ideal opportunity to make such updates so the posts stay reliable across your site.

Since the time these older posts were published, it’s likewise probable you’ve made extra assets that could be more applicable to searchers coincidentally finding these older blogs. Optimizing the end-of-post CTA (call to action) with more pertinent resources offer is huge as far as driving more leads since it is precisely the exact thing the readers were searching for.

Likewise, in the event that you discover that a CTA isn’t performing great, despite being pertinent to the blog subject, consider adding a text-based CTA inside the post’s introduction or a higher-up body paragraph — it’s possible readers aren’t seeing it toward the end of the post.

3. Boost Traffic and Rankings

Revamping an old blog entry can convey some surprising SEO results.

That is the reason it’s critical to ensure that you’re making the most of new opportunities on the internet so that individuals can find what they’re searching for when they run over your site.

Additionally, ensure that the content on your site is pertinent to the market and audience you need to connect with!

This will assist with the conversion from visitors who see something interesting in one of their searches or browse different sites while browsing on the web (like Facebook).

4. Make a Superior User Experience

  We’ve all had the disappointing experience of navigating to an old, off-base, or obsolete piece of content.

When this occurs, we tend not to stick around too long.

Instead, we click back to the search results page and select another choice that we trust will address our needs.

Updating your old posts can end this by ensuring your readers are happy with what they track down on your page.

5. Keep up with Brand Consistency

As your business evolves, it’s normal for your image character and purchaser personas to develop as well.

However, this can imply that your older blog entries were made with a different target audience in mind, with a different brand TOV (tone of voice), or utilizing different arranging and design conventions.

Updating these posts allows you to resolve any irregularities and keeps your whole entire online presence on-brand.


You’ve buckled down on your blog posts, and they should be seen by many individuals as could many as possible. By optimizing them for search engines,  you can give them the exposure they need to reach more readers. 

Top Shelf SEO is here to help you do just that. 

Reach us today to find out about our Winnipeg SEO services and how we can help get your old blog posts in front of the right audience.

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